Easy Roller MRI Safe Wheel Chair
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Easy Roller MRI Safe Wheel Chair
EasyRoller is a wheelchair containing no metals. It is the best choice for screening of persons and for use in environments where metals are prohibited. EasyRoller is made of environmentally friendly recyclable thermoplastics with no detachable parts.
EasyRoller is free from PVC.
EasyRoller has unique ergonomic design and will provide both users and assistants with an easy and comfortable transport. EasyRoller represents a new era in MRI and Security screening.
For security screening
EasyRoller does not generate any signal in metal detectors and is perfect for screening of persons with reduced mobility.
For transport in hospitals
Patients can easily be moved through the entire hospital and all the way
through the MRI-room without interfering with the MRI equipment. The EasyRoller is MR SAFE.
The EasyRoller – is a quality product, designed in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Eker Design AS. It has been tested and approved in accordance with EN 12183:2009 including ISO 7176-1, ISO 7176-8, EN 12183:199 7/6, ISO 7176-5 and ISO 7176-7. It is produced certified with ISO 9001 and according to standards in ISO 13485.
Basic UDI-DI: 709006211EASYROLLER2R
Technical data:
Width Depth Height Weight
EasyRoller chair 67 cm 82,5 cm 105 cm 20 kg
EasyRoller seat 50 cm 42 cm 52 cm
EasyRoller capacity 150 kg
EasyRoller comes single packed in cardboard boxes -only 2 screws needed for finishing the assembly.